Recovery Essentials

Recovering from a mommy makeover in Houston may seem daunting, but on average, Dr. Balinger’s mommy makeover patients resume routine daily activities within two to four weeks. Here are some mommy makeover recovery tips to help ensure a speedy recovery.

Get Prepared for Recovery Before Your Mommy Makeover

Preparing for recovery before your mommy makeover in Houston is one of the best ways to heal quickly. Some of the best ways you can do this include the following:

  • Having all necessary prescriptions on hand
  • Preparing a comfortable resting place with pillows, blankets, and easy access to the things you need
  • Arrange for childcare and pet care since your surgery sites will limit mobility for the first few days
  • Hire a housecleaner or ask reliable loved ones to take care of heavy house cleaning

Additionally, having some basic supplies on hand helps you avoid stressful trips to the store during your recovery. Some examples of helpful supplies include:

  • Gentle stool softeners recommended by Dr. Balinger
  • Antibiotic ointments and soap
  • Digital thermometer
  • Low-sodium crackers, soups, and frozen dinners
  • Bottled water
  • Smoothies
  • Jello-O
  • Fresh fruit
  • Dark-colored clothing with easy access, such as an oversized robe, a comfortable button-down, zippered tops, and loose dresses

Rest, and Don’t Try To Do It All

There’s no doubt that moms are superheroes, but you must rest while your body heals from your mommy makeover, even if you feel fine after surgery. Your body needs to use its resources to heal and avoid complications, and not resting can cause more harm to recover from.

Plan to clear your schedule for the first seven to ten days, and expect a healing period of up to three weeks. Here are some tips for giving the superhero cape a break while you rest and recover from your mommy makeover:

  • Delegate your everyday responsibilities
  • Avoid picking up and carrying small children and pets until Dr. Balinger clears you to do so
  • Take small rest breaks to get in some light movement, such as walking, to improve your circulation
  • Allow time to let the pain medication do its job
Beauty by Balinger | Christopher Balinger MD

Stick to Your Post-Op Guidelines and Recovery Plan

The most common reason for mommy makeover complications is not following your post-surgical program. The information and instructions provided after your procedures will help you heal correctly and get your desired results, as Dr. Balinger gives the best advice following your surgery.

Some ways you can follow your post-op instructions are:

  • Attend all follow-up appointments to ensure you are healing correctly with no complications
  • Take all medication as prescribed, especially antibiotics that you must take at equal intervals
  • Finish all of your prescriptions, as incorrectly taking them can cause you unnecessary pain

Expect an Emotional Recovery Process

Many women aren’t prepared for the mental recovery following their mommy makeover. Still, feeling highly emotional after intensive surgery is expected because the changes can be so drastic. The best way to handle these feelings is to remember that they are perfectly normal and will subside soon after the procedure.

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