Minimizing Scars After Mommy Makeover

When you’ve decided that a mommy makeover in Houston is best for you, you may be concerned about post-operative scarring. Dr. Balinger will do everything he can to reduce visible scarring, but there are some proven ways you can help reduce scars after a mommy makeover.

Take Your Aftercare Seriously

Your body’s natural healing process is one of the best tools you have for reducing scars after a mommy makeover. With proper surgical aftercare, you can assist this natural process while preventing unwanted side effects and complications that impede your body’s ability to heal your scar fully.

Dr. Balinger will provide you with aftercare instructions, which will likely include the following:

  • Light walking after surgery to reduce blood clots
  • Avoid strenuous activities for six weeks
  • Stop smoking
  • Signs of infection to be aware of
  • Maintain a nutritious and plant-based diet
Woman in a bikini lying on the beach

Protect Your Skin From Excessive Sun Exposure

Caring for your skin to reduce scarring includes avoiding sun exposure and its harmful UV rays. Because scar tissue does not process pigmentation the same way, natural skin does, tanning your skin could make your scars appear more prominent.

Wearing SPF 30 or higher sunscreen with protective clothing can ensure that your scars continue blending with the color of nearby skin.

Consider Silicone Gel Sheeting or Ointments

Silicone gel sheeting or silicone ointments can reduce scars after a mommy makeover.

Topical silicone provides dermal hydration of the scar site and collagen regulation. Wounds need an ideal healing environment to avoid severe scarring. Silicone gel sheeting fully encapsulates the scar site and retains moisture that would otherwise evaporate. This moisture retention also normalizes collagen synthesis to prevent raised and discolored scar tissue.

If you’re interested in reducing your mommy makeover scarring with silicone products, speak with Dr. Balinger to determine whether this treatment option is right for you.

Behind of a woman in a bikini

Try These Scar-Reduction Tips

No doubt you’ve received lots of “advice” about reducing scars after a mommy makeover, whether or not that advice is practical.

In addition to what’s already been mentioned, you may try these various scar-reduction tips that are proven effective:

  • Apply vitamin E cream on your incisions daily to enhance healing and improve scar texture
  • Get plenty of rest after your mommy makeover, as strenuous activity can strain the incisions and cause puckered scarring
  • Stay hydrated, so your circulatory system works optimally for better healing
  • Take vitamin C supplements to enhance skin health
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to improve healing time
  • Apply aloe vera on your incisions to help scars heal and fade over time
Beauty by Balinger | Christopher Balinger MD

Avoid or Stop Smoking

Cigarettes contain nicotine, a vasoconstrictor. Blood transports nutrients to our skin, so during vasoconstriction, the skin doesn’t receive adequate blood flow and vital nutrients. Additionally, smoking causes collagen fibers to break down more rapidly, damaging your skin’s natural elasticity.

Smoking causes the following adverse effects:

  • Impaired wound healing
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Loss of skin elasticity

Wounds that take longer to heal are more prone to infection and have an increased amount of scar tissue. As such, a smoker’s injury may develop into hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Smoking also leaves the skin pale and less vibrant by depleting its natural oxygen levels, causing it to lose or change color. As was previously mentioned, this can impede your scar from blending in with your natural skin tone.

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