Do you look older than you feel? We can help.

Facelift surgery offers a long-lasting relief to help counter adverse changes and enhance your facial beauty. You may be an ideal candidate for this procedure if you have:

  • Good physical and emotional health
  • Sagging skin in the area around the cheeks and jawline
  • Folds or loose skin on the neck
  • Jowls along the jawline 
  • Volume loss in the cheeks and the area around the mouth 
  • Wrinkles around the mouth and nose 
  • A double chin or excess fat deposits under the chin or jaws 
  • A positive outlook and realistic expectations about the outcome of the facelift

Dr. Balinger: Leading plastic surgeon in Houston

Board-eligible plastic surgeon, Dr. Balinger, can individually-tailor a facelift treatment plan for you to be performed with the most advanced safety protocols. Our practice offers a boutique level of service and an extraordinary level of patient care. We are results-oriented and ensure you feel fully informed and comfortable through every step of your facelift experience. 

How long will it take before I can show off my new look?

Recovery time after a facelift can vary dramatically from one person to another. Generally, you can expect to resume normal activities in approximately two weeks. Avoid strenuous activities (heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, bending over) as instructed by the doctor. You will be encouraged to get up and move around as soon as you are able to promote proper blood flow. Swelling, bruising, and pain are common during the first week. You will be provided with pain medication to reduce discomfort and antibiotics to help prevent infection. Follow post-op instructions carefully to help ensure a speedy recovery. 

Your journey to a happier life – Facelift procedure steps

Facelift surgery is an outpatient procedure performed in our office operating room or an accredited surgical facility. The procedure has three basic steps:

  • Anesthesia: A facelift procedure may be performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the specifics of the treatment and the surgeon’s preference. Feel free to discuss the choice of anesthesia with Dr. Balinger during one of your pre-op consultation visits.
  • Incision: Dr. Balinger creates an incision in the appropriate location for the type of facelift being performed. Incisions are carefully camouflaged behind the ears or along the hairline. Sagging skin is pulled and re-draped, and underlying facial tissue is tightened to reveal a smoother facial profile.
  • Closure: When the desired changes has been completed, Dr. Balinger closes the incision, and the treatment area is bandaged to protect it.

A facelift takes between two and four hours to perform, depending on the specifics of the surgery. Immediately after the procedure, you will be placed in an observation room where Dr. Balinger’s team monitors your vitals before you can go home to rest and recover.

What can a facelift do for me?

Facelift plastic surgery offers many unique benefits:

Ward off the signs of aging

The gradual decline of skin quality can lead to loss of facial fat and thinning of dermal tissue. This may be caused by factors such as age, smoking, heredity, sun exposure, gravity, and stress. Facelift plastic surgery tightens facial tissue, removes loose skin, and re-drapes the remaining skin to achieve smoother and more youthful-looking facial skin. One of the best things about this procedure is that it yields long-lasting results without any signs of scarring.

Tighten loose facial skin.

Our skin tends to become loose as we age. In many cases, over-the-counter anti-aging cream and other at-home skin care products are not effective. Facelift surgery tightens deep facial and neck muscles to allow the surgeon to “pull” excess skin. This results in a youthful appearance without any tightness or tension. You will enjoy a face that looks “energetic,” rested, and well-balanced.

Say goodbye to saggy jowls.

Hanging jowls from the jawline are an undesirable feature. Facelift plastic surgery addresses this problem to reveal a sleeker and tighter jawline you will be proud to show off. Dr. Balinger deals with this issue artistically to reveal an enhanced, youthful, and more energetic facial appearance.

Smooth away deep creases

Deep lines and wrinkles can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. In severe cases, your self-image and sense of confidence may be adversely affected. Furthermore, aging can cause volume loss in the face and neck, giving the impression of tissues that are “worn” or “falling.” Dr. Balinger works to restore the deep tissue structures to their right position, and to augment volume loss to reveal a naturally younger-looking face.

Facelifts are among the top five cosmetic surgery procedures. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that in 2019 alone, there were more than 123,000 of these procedures performed in the U.S. Approximately 95% of people who have a facelift are satisfied with the results. The key is to work with a highly skilled surgeon to increase your likelihood of attaining an excellent outcome.

Are there different types of facelifts?

Dr. Balinger performs several different types of facelifts to suit the needs of the patient and goals of the surgery.

Mini facelift

This minimalistic version of a facelift is designed to alleviate moderate aesthetic concerns. The surgeon makes a short incision near the front of the ear. The skin is re-draped and underlying tissue is repositioned to obtain a natural-looking outcome. A mini facelift may be the best option if you are looking to enhance mild to moderate issues in the central or lower face areas. In some cases, the surgeon may opt to integrate neck-liposuction into this treatment to achieve a comprehensive result.

Standard facelift

This conventional type of facelift is common for people over the age of 45. The goal of the procedure is to address severe aesthetic issues in the face. The surgeon creates an incision above the ear moving along the hairline. The length and pattern of this incision will be influenced by the patient’s precise needs. Once the incision is made, the surgeon will re-drape excess skin toward the center of the face and reposition underlying connective tissue to achieve desired results.

Meet Dr. Balinger: Your plastic surgeon in Houston

Dr. Christopher Balinger is among the most highly trained facial plastic surgeons practicing in the Houston area. His private, luxury clinic was established to provide a world-class patient experience and results that are elegant, beautiful, refreshed, and look natural. We are a results-oriented team, and our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and Dr. Balinger employs the most advanced surgical methods to achieve the best result while minimizing the risk of side effects, including scarring.

Beauty by Balinger | Christopher Balinger MD

Average Cost

$6,000 - $18,500

Procedure Time

2-4 Hours

Recovery Time

2 Weeks


Not Covered


How should I prepare for a facelift?

Dr. Balinger will tailor an individualized treatment plan for you and instruct you on how to prepare for surgery. He may ask you to stop taking certain medications or herbal supplements that can increase your risk of bleeding. If you smoke, he will ask you to stop during the weeks before the surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications and impair healing. The doctor will tell you what to do on the night before the surgery, and what supplies you should have on hand for a smooth recovery.

Why have a facelift?

Facial appearance affects how other people perceive you. Aging, sun exposure, lifestyle choices, and genetics can negatively impact facial appearance, creating a disconnect between how you look and how you feel. Your self- esteem may be affected, and you may feel self-conscious in social situations. Creams may not help with the volume loss, wrinkles, and loose skin. In a facelift procedure, the surgeon tightens tissues and removes excess skin to create a more youthful and pleasing appearance. Many men and women who have undergone a facelift enjoy an invigorated facial appearance that improves their self-image and confidence.

How do I know if a facelift is right for me?

During your facelift consultation, Dr. Balinger will ask questions and review your medical history to learn more about your health. He will also examine your face and neck before moving forward to the next step. This initial consultation is free of charge. It gives you an opportunity to learn more about what this surgery entails, what you can expect from the treatment, and whether Dr. Balinger recommends this option for you.

How much does facelift surgery cost?

The average cost of a facelift can range between $6,000 and $18,500. It can vary dramatically, depending on the extent of treatment. Health insurance does not typically cover cosmetic procedures. During your consultation, Dr. Balinger can provide more information and generate a cost estimate based on your personalized treatment plan. We offer financing options for patients in Houston, Conroe, and surrounding TX areas.

What is the best age to have a facelift?

There is no right or wrong age to have a facelift. For best results, however, Dr. Balinger recommends this procedure for individuals between their 40s and their mid-50s. It all depends on your specific needs and the condition of your skin. When you visit Dr. Balinger for your first facelift consultation, he will listen carefully to you and examine your face before letting you know whether this surgical treatment is recommended.

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